Learn How to Start A Cold Email Marketing Agency As A Complete Beginner
And NO, you're not spamming people, and you're not spending any money on ads
Free 33-Minute Cold Email Training Workshop 
This video reveals the step-by-step process to start your own cold email agency from scratch:
  • We show you how to set up campaigns
  • We give you the cold email scripts
  • We show you how to craft a no-brainer offer
  • In 10 hours of work per week - from anywhere in the world
Register Below + Access The $497 Training FREE
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* I will not spam, rent, or sell your information *

Here's What You'll Learn:

  • Why businesses are willing to pay you $4-8k each month to send cold emails for them
  • ​How I grew a business to 7-figures in under 3 years sending cold emails
  • How you can send cold emails with ZERO past experience
  • ​How to get clients (we find them FOR YOU)
  • ​Why NO ONE else is talking about this

Ali signed a client 2 weeks after joining:

Anthony grew his agency to $7k per month:

All for just 33 minutes of your time...

(Or 15 minutes if you watch on 1.5x speed like I would)

Sound fair? I'd say so.

But first, a bit about me...

Hi, my name's Christian.

In 3 years, I've gone from broke college student to 7-figure business owner, all from learning how to send cold emails for other businesses.

Unlike other side hustles (forex, crypto, trading, affiliate marketing) that promise the Lambos, the watches, the girls, the flashy trips...

Cold email is a great way to replace your 9-5 income...

Live life on your own terms, with no boss or set schedule...

And check off bucket list trips while payments still hit your bank account.

When I got to college, my plan was to get a Big 4 Accounting job and work 60 hours a week doing taxes...

But after going to a career fair my freshman year, I knew there was no way I could go down the corporate route.

The way you had to suck up to the recruiters, their promises of "4 day work weeks during the summer"...

The look of emptiness on their face as they told me about a typical day in their life...

No thanks.

If you're reading this and you're either:

A) A college student stressing over a summer internship, or 

B) A college grad already working a corporate 9-5...

I'm sure you can relate.

Sure, the bi-weekly paychecks hitting your account are nice, but being chained to a desk 40+ hours per week with no time or location freedom is FAR from ideal.

As soon as I left that career fair, I knew I needed to find another way to make money after college...

And spent the next 2 years mastering cold email.

For the first year or so, I made a whopping $0...

I had no clue WTF I was doing.

Then, FINALLY, as I was set to graduate...

With my parents breathing down my neck telling me to get a 'real job'...

I started turning enough of a profit to run a cold email business full-time.

Now, I want to help you do the same. 

Still skeptical?

That's ok, I would be too.

Here are the invoices that hit our business account over the past 2 months:

And the exact same invoices over email... (the numbers match up):

And an award with my name on it for earning more than $1,000,000:

Here's what students in the program are saying:

Here's a breath of fresh air for you...

I'll tell you something none of these other course sellers will admit.

I have 3 partners in my business. When I say we're a "7-figure business", that's TOP LINE revenue.

We still have to pay out our team, cover expenses, pay our credit card bills...

Then we distribute profits.

To 4 people.

This is what a typical monthly payout to my bank account looks like:

If you want the allure of Lambos, flashy trips, watches, penthouse apartments...

Cold email isn't for you.

But if you want an income stream that can replace your 9-5, work anywhere in the world on your own schedule, and provide real value to business owners...

And if you're naturally persuasive...

(Like if you can convince your friend group which restaurant to eat at over group text, or you were good at getting your parents to say "yes" to a sleepover as a kid)

Then register for the free training and I'll see you inside.

Register for the Cold Email Training Workshop

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